Saturday, December 04, 2004


OK, tonight had the greatest exchange. First, someone assumed I was offended because I disagree with them. Not the same thing at all. Second, pulled out the old passive aggressive "I guess even with my two masters degrees I'm too stupid for this" crap. Third, said it was their pet peeve for someone to say, "you shouldn't be offended by that, that's nothing" because she feels it invalidates her feelings. Well, listen lady, if you're looking for validation, go to ZCMI, cause that's not my job. And when you say, "I'm offended by something YOU do, Paddington" I'm sure as heckfire gonna have a comment on that, especially when the action in question is something TOTALLY NORMAL AND YES, EVEN COMMENDABLE like sitting with your family at church. He who takes offense where none is intended is a fool. He who takes offense where it IS intended is twice a fool. He who takes offense, imaging that people are doing a totally innocuous and even good action, JUST to piss them off and make them feel less of a person, when in reality that person doesn't give a rat's ass about he , and doesn't think about he enough to even HAVE an opinion about he, is a crazy, messed up fool. And I pity them. Hey! I pity the fool! Sweet!

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