Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

In this post, the boys over at QandO discuss General Pace's recent comments regarding his personal feelings on homosexuals in the military (Nein) and his official feelings on the matter (we support Congress's determination that...yadda).

I understand that Don't Ask, Don't Tell necessarily carries the connotation that homosexuality is bad and/or inferior to heterosexuality. After all, there's nothing wrong with saying "hey, Captain Jones, how's your wife?" but there would be with a "hey, Captain Jones, how's your boyfriend?" So, to that extent, and the extent that the second question could get Captain Jones (who may be a very fine soldier indeed) thrown out of the service, I think I disagree with DADT as a policy. However, I also believe that at work, conversations should rarely if ever go deeper than "hey, Bill, how's your wife/boyfriend?" if even that deep. I think Don't Ask, Don't Tell is a wise personal policy to follow, but not one that should be implemented by the State.

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