Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Jimmy Mac

He’s about to offend us. He mentions Doug Wilson, who said that it’d be easier to take over Latah County than NYC. Yeah, but then he’d only be in charge of Latah County, so whoop de frickin’ doo. How much more damage could a similar crank do when all the power is just as localized, but the area of influence is much greater? See Justice Jackson’s remarks.

“Why do conservatives want to wrap themselves in the flag and not apply the Constitution to everyone? Why do they want to limit the Constitution?”
Unbelievable. This guy actually believes what he is saying. Talk about someone who needs to get out more, and experience a diversity of views. I mean, students try to inflict their views on him, but he shrugs them off like a mosquito buzzing around his head. Ah, the beauty of self-induced and maintained ignorance.

He thinks multinational corporations are not the same as citizens, in terms of privacy-type rights. But are corporations just made up of people? If I have to right to be racist in my own home, and my friend has the same right, why can’t we enter into an agreement between the two of us and be racist together? Is it just the commerce clause? If that’s the justification, that’s fine, but under 14th Amendment, it seems a little sketchy. Where am I wrong?

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