Tuesday, November 01, 2005

People who live in an alternate reality

This guy does. I wonder why he reads Althouse.  Seems a little weird. Anyway, I don't know how to communicate with people like that because his reaction to Harry Reid is so different to mine that I wonder if we're even seeing the same thing. I despise Harry Reid. And the thing he, and our friend, said about Alito are so false and screaming, it gives me a headache just to read it. How often can they cry wolf? Sheesh. I understand that in their world, all conservatives are extremists, and that a conservative becomes a dangerous extremist when he's nominated for a position of influence, but, Come ON.
Oh, and Althouse's point was that if Democrats treat ALL conservative jurists as "EXTREMISTS!!!!!!" just because they are conservative, it will necessarily force presidents to nominate someone without a paper trail. When any sort of paper trail leads to EXTREMISTS!!!!!!!!!!, it's hard not to want to avoid that kind of asininity.

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