Friday, May 20, 2005

So Much For What We Stand For

I know the Blogfather linked to this list of Republicans abandoning their principles, but some of these are just plain stupid. Since when do Republicans stand for "tradition" as an amorphous, all-encompassing idea? Anything that is a tradition must be upheld by Republicans or they're hypocrites? Come on, that's third grade thinking. And the federalism argument is, well, very narrow minded. EVERYONE has their overriding principles, which trump other principles at certain times and places. This doesn't mean that they don't believe in the overridden principles, just that there is a higher one. What exactly are they to do in that situation, exactly? Sit on their hands, crying "Federalism!" while these same critics say "So much for Republicans standing for a "culture of life." They're damned if they do, damned if they don't, so I, for one, don't have a problem with them prioritizing their values, and letting higher ones trump lower ones.

It seems anytime there's a post about "principles" everyone wants to paint with as broad a brush as possible, because then it's easy to find inconsistencies.

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